Monday, November 15, 2010

One Month

Today marks one month, but I still feel more transient than resident.

On a macro level, I've been incredibly systematic. Step one was job searching, then interviews, then deciding which job to accept. Then, I accepted a job and moved into a permanent apartment. Roots planted? Check.  

However, on a micro level, there are still voids both materially and otherwise.

For example, I'm writing this post not from my living room but instead leaned over my balcony, the only spot I can pirate a bar of precious unencrypted wireless. My apartment is still a work in progress.  Shopping is still an adventure, as is getting food. I don't have a go-to list of my favorite places for x, y, and z like in Minneapolis.

Also, if you asked, "Tim, what is your schedule like?" I couldn't really tell you because my schedule is still peppered with transitional stuff. Aside from work, I don't have a routine but really want one. That's not meant be taken ad absurdum or romanticized: "Tim, traveling is all about spontaneity bla bla bla embrace bla bla." No. I'm not traveling abroad. I'm living abroad. It's a different concept.

That also explains why my transition has been pretty uneventful. I want to be settled in before I start my kick-ass weekend adventures. I'm plenty spontaneous but more pragmatic, I guess. I think settled in means the following:
  1. I feel my apartment is adequate.
  2. I have an ARC.
  3. I have my "regular" venues. 
  4. My Monday-Friday has some structure. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post Tim. I think you're in a very good mindset to get yourself comfortably settled and routined before your weekend adventures begin. Roots take time to grow, but it will be worth it when you return from a scuba weekend and feel "at home" in your city and apartment.
