Thursday, April 14, 2011

What I'm Drinking - Avocado Smoothie

I don't have a sweet-tooth; I have an avocado-tooth. So, naturally, I was overjoyed to find a mom-and-pop smoothie place that had avocado smoothies. Don't think avocados would be good in smoothie form? Think again. This is one of many things the Taiwanese are incredibly adept at turning into drinks.

Jamba Juice has nothing on this place. Well, other than a menu I can read unassisted, of course.

My smoothie consumption and quality of life covary more than I'd like to admit. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Scream - 2011

Last weekend I went to Kenting for Spring Scream music festival - the party of parties on the island. It lived up to the hype. Beach by day and music and fireworks all night.

Here are some pictures:

Tiny McDonald's

With enough care and sustenance this fragile little McD's seed will blossom into a giant, red and yellow McDonald's flower!